


We act for many high-net-worth individuals, based both in the UK and overseas.  We provide advice based on our intricate knowledge of their affairs to ensure it meets their specific needs.  This bespoke approach ensures that we create lasting relationships with our clients and become their trusted advisers for many years.

We are experts in all areas of individual taxation and can provide advice on any area including the main aspects listed below.

Capital Gains Tax

We can assist with all capital gains tax scenarios, including disposal of property or investments.

If you are selling a residential property that hasn’t been your primary place of residence, it is important to carefully consider the amount of gain that may be subject to tax, and what additional reliefs may be available to reduce the tax exposure.  Our tax specialists are fully equipped to help with this process.

We can also provide advice on Business Asset Disposal Relief (“BADR”) (formerly Entrepreneurs Relief), but prior to any sale and post-sale.  If you are considering selling the shares in your company in the future it is important to consider the BADR rules to ensure that any pre-sale planning can be undertaken to maximise the relief and minimise the potential tax liability arising.

Inheritance Tax

We can advise on both inheritance tax planning as well as probate matters and the tax affairs of an estate.

Inheritance tax planning is complex and requires a tailored approach based on individual circumstances, including size and complexity of the potential estate, future plans and wishes and life stage.  We ensure we fully understand all of these aspects before providing our advice and recommending a course of action.  It is also necessary to regularly review any planning over the years to ensure that it is still fit for purpose.  In many cases, as circumstances and priorities change, so to does the required planning and it is therefore necessary to view inheritance tax planning as an evolving process rather than simply as a one-off event.  We help our clients navigate through this in all phases of their lifetime.

We are experienced in all aspects of tax compliance required for estates during the probate period and can work closely with the executors to ensure that matters are settled smoothly and efficiently.


If you are coming to, or leaving the United Kingdom, we can advise on the tax implications and suggest planning to put you in the most advantageous tax position.  As with all areas of tax, advance planning is the key to maximising the benefits available and we can assist with all stages of the process.

If you are planning a move in the future, please get in touch and we can discuss how we can help.

Coming to the UK

If you are coming to live in the UK and are not domiciled here, there are a variety of tax reliefs available to prevent your offshore income or gains from being subject to UK tax.  The application of these reliefs is complex and requires careful planning prior to your arrival in the UK.

If this pre-arrival planning is not carried out, valuable reliefs can be lost, and your UK tax liability could be much higher than necessary.

In addition, the planning should consider personal and business assets as well as any overseas structures held, such as companies or trusts.  Any planned investment into the UK could also attract relief so would need to factored in.

We regularly provide inbound individuals with detailed advice and planning, often working in conjunction with their overseas advisers, to ensure they are put in the optimal tax position on arrival in the UK.

Leaving the UK

If you are leaving the UK, it is important to get the right advice in your destination country.  We have links with professional advisers in many overseas jurisdictions and can make recommendations to ensure you receive the best advice possible.

We can also advise on any UK aspects that may remain once you leave the UK, particularly if you are leaving property or have investments here.

As with any move overseas, your tax issues will likely become more complex and considered advice will be needed to ensure you minimise your tax position and maximise the tax planning opportunities.

Tax Residence

The concept of residence for tax purposes is not straightforward and definitions differ between countries.  It is possible to continue to be UK tax resident after leaving the UK depending on your remaining ties to the UK as well as the days you might spend in the UK for work purposes or visiting family.

We can advise on your UK tax residence position if you are coming to or leaving the UK and ensure that any tax planning factors that status in.  We can also advise on the number of days you should or can spend in the UK in order to maintain your UK tax residence (or non-residence) position.  This allows individuals to plan accordingly and avoid any unexpected tax consequences.


We can advise on all aspects of taxation for corporates, including compliance matters, tax reliefs, advice on restructuring and sales and acquisitions.

Business Restructuring

We can provide advice on the tax aspects of business restructuring, including mergers, demergers and management buy outs.  Obtaining advice early in the process is crucial to ensuring that adverse tax outcomes do not arise.  Once we have a detailed understanding of the commercial objectives, we can provide the appropriate advice to meet those objectives in the most tax efficient way.

Where the restructuring involves the introduction of a new company, we can advise on how that should be done and how the shareholding should be held based on the current, as well as the expected future position, of the shareholders.

We can also make any required clearance applications to HMRC to confirm the tax treatment arising and provide certainty as to any tax consequences.  This is particularly important for any transaction involving the exchange of shares as part of a restructuring.

Sales and Acquisitions

Buying or selling a business is a complex undertaking and getting the right tax advice is a key part of ensuring that it is successful.  We can provide advice on all aspects in relation to a business sale, including the impact on the company as well as the shareholders, and liaise with the purchasers’ advisers to ensure that any tax aspects are fully understood by both sides and commercial resolutions are reached that are acceptable to all parties.

We can also ensure that the appropriate acquisition vehicle is used from a tax perspective and advise on the tax pros and cons of any available options prior to finalisation.

With regards to business sales, tax complexities may arise if part of the consideration is deferred, or warranties are required.  Again, we can provide advice on these aspects to ensure that any immediate or future tax consequences are known about and planned for.  We can also advise on any reliefs that may be available to the vendors, such as Business Asset Disposal Relief, that may mitigate any gains arising.

Tax Reliefs

Capital Allowances.  We can undertake detailed reviews of fixed assets to ensure maximum capital allowances are claimed to offset against the corporation tax liability.  We can also assist in real time during the completion of any capital projects to ensure the right information is gathered to assist with claims in the future.  We often liaise with project managers and contractors to ensure this is done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Research and Development.  We can perform a full review of all potential research and development activity to look for projects that may qualify for a claim.  For a claim to be successful, a detailed review of each project is necessary to fully understand the uncertainty being resolved and the work that has been undertaken to achieve this.  We can then prepare a detailed report to accompany the claim with a view to ensuring that any potential challenge from HMRC is minimised and the claim accepted.

Enterprise Investment Scheme

We regularly advise companies who are looking to raise investment via the Enterprise Investment Scheme, which provides numerous tax advantages for the investor, such as tax relief in the year of investment and potential exemption from future capital gains tax on sale.

We can advise on whether the company will qualify for the scheme based on the criteria, including obtaining advance assurance from HMRC to provide certainty, which helps to attract investors.  We can also assist with all the associated compliance matters associated with issuing shares under the scheme to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Enterprise Management Incentives

We can assist with the introduction of an Enterprise Management Incentive scheme for your company.  This provides a tax efficient way for employees to participate in the future growth of the company through the grant of share options to them.  If the share options are granted at the current market value of the company there are no immediate income tax consequences for the employee and no further income tax will arise once they exercise the options, even if the market value at that time is significantly higher (although capital gains tax will be payable on any eventual gain made on sale).

We can provide advice on the relevant criteria for the company and whether it will qualify, as well as providing advice on communication of the scheme to employees and the tax implications for them.  We can also assist with all compliance aspects, both on the establishment of the scheme and any future grants of options


Through our engagement with such a variety of clients and industries, we have gained extensive experience in a wide variety of advisory work. As a result we are equipped to provide advice and support for a broad range of major business transactions or transformations, regarding financial and non-financial information, processes or controls. We are focused on the progression of your business and ensuring the best outcome for your business success.


The process of asset valuation can be complicated as it requires objectivity to determine the fair market or present value. Asset valuation plays a key role for potential investors and our valuation team with their wide-ranging expertise can provide additional assurance. We have provided reports for approved share schemes to HMRC, as well as supporting partner buyouts or to aid in divorce settlements. Furthermore, we have valued distressed companies, start-ups, and many others. Using our cultivated skill set and wealth of experience, we can provide a valuation for any company, IP, or other entity.

Due Diligence

Regardless if purchasing or selling we can provide support in the due diligence process; dependent on the level of assurance you require. This could range from a quick review to spot potential issues, or a full, thorough, assessment to ensure there are no surprises. We will consider various aspects such as personnel, equity, cash flow, assets and liabilities, to ensure you are given all the facts.

Investment Acquisition

Our clientele includes a variety of start-ups, and other companies, that have required guidance in persuading investors to contribute to their vision. We can provide detailed cashflow forecasts, business plans, and other supporting documents, that will add weight and professionalism to any investor pitch.


We are experienced in all aspects of trust taxation, including both UK and offshore trusts.  We have links with a number of trust companies, both in the UK and overseas who can assist with the establishment and ongoing administration of trusts.


We can assist trustees with the compliance requirements of UK trusts, including income tax filings and provision of tax information to beneficiaries following distributions from the trust.

Where the trust is based offshore, various anti-avoidance provisions exist in relation to distributions to beneficiaries (both deemed and actual) and these need careful consideration if punitive tax charges are to be avoided.  We have a great deal of experience in this area and can step through all relevant provisions with trustees to ensure adverse tax consequences do not arise.


We can advise beneficiaries on the UK tax implications of receiving a distribution from a UK or overseas trust as well as the corresponding disclosure requirements on their income tax return.

We can also help with any deemed distributions that may arise through the use of assets owned by a trust by a beneficiary.  This is a particularly complex and often overlooked area where significant tax liabilities can arise over several years if not looked at properly.  In essence, any time a beneficiary is allowed to use an asset of a trust and does not pay full market value for that use, a deemed distribution can arise which may represent a taxable receipt in the hands of the beneficiary.  Careful consideration is therefore needed, and the appropriate tax disclosures should be made.  We can also advise on the steps necessary to correct prior returns where these provisions have been overlooked in the past.

Contact Us

Our relationships are built on understanding and trust, so don’t hesitate to contact our friendly, professional team. We would be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have.

London Office: +44 2037 802 500
Midlands Office: +44 1527 883 620

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